Bloods & Crips Peace Treaty Tee

I revamped the design and now I'm selling it. Order yourself a Peace Treaty Tee before it's gone!

This is something I’ve always wanted to illustrate.  I imagined what if I was 22 in 1992 and I made flyers to bring awareness about the Watts Peace Treaty.  Don’t forget y’all, something ill happened after the LA Riots…

“On April 28, 1992, gang members in Watts, both Crips and Bloods alike, signed a “Cease Fire Agreement,” an unprecedented agreement between rival gangs in Southeast Los Angeles. The “Peace Treaty” simultaneously sought to deal with “human capacity building” in an area blighted by social ills induced by poverty, abuse, neglect and oppression. Gangs such as the Bounty Hunter Bloods, PJ Watts Crips, Hacienda Village Bloods and Grape Street Watts Crips were part of the treaty of 1992 that mitigated violence and tensions between these rival neighborhoods.

The success of the Cease Fire led to an immediate decline in violence in Los Angeles the following year, and laid a strong developmental foundation for many community members, gang and non-gang youth and adults notably included, to seek to change their environment.

As a direct result from the gang’s efforts, Los Angeles is currently experiencing a 40-year low as it relates to gang homicides and gang related violence.”
